One Step Too Far, Lisa Gardner

Just a lot of fun, these Frankie Elkin books are, and this one - wow. Where did Lisa Garner come up with it?!

I am nothing like Frankie Elkin who is an alcoholic, drifter, nomad, civilian in search of her next missing person's case, and all around BA when it comes to standing up for herself and others, but I totally relate to her. She has a moral compass and drive to help those who cannot help themselves, the missing.

In One Step Too Far, Frankie finds herself in the wilderness in Wyoming, borrowing pack and gear, searching for a man missing for five years. Along with her are a professional guide from the area, the man's father, his three college buddies who were with him for his bachelor party the night he disappeared, a SARs handler and her dog, Daisy, a Bob, a Big Foot hunter. Who could not love this cast?

Things go from tough to bad to WTF in a matter of a couple of days. It is a ride, and a quick, fun one that ends with not everyone coming out alive, more bodies found than known lost, and a whodunit twist at the end that made me smile (because it was good).

I'm not a series reader, but I have read the two Frankie Elkin books back to back. You won't regret it.

Lynda Wolters