About Lynda
Lynda was born and raised in a tiny farming community of 400 in northern Idaho. She worked on the family farm with her first job being picking rocks out of the fields with her dad and grandpa. She learned to drive while sitting on her grandma’s lap (she would steer as her grandma controlled the gas and the brake) and then graduated to driving her grandpa’s old 1950's stick-shift International pick up truck with her grandpa sitting next to her. Once she was “legally” allowed to drive, she quickly climbed the family farm ladder and was promoted to truck driver and then to the elite position of driving combine during harvest. After high school she traveled to New York to be a nanny for a few months before moving to Las Vegas to further her schooling.
She moved back home to Idaho to raise her three sons and now resides there with her husband and their peekapoo, Max.
Max - who is now too big to lift!
In Apeldoorn after treatment, with my hubby visiting family.
Lynda has worked in the legal field for 30+ years and enjoys ballroom and swing dancing, horseback riding, kayaking, and river rafting. She has a heart for people and enjoys regularly volunteering. She spends the bulk of her spare time reading and writing.
Lynda has completed two books in her Voices series. Voices of Cancer released in October 2019, and Voices of LGBTQ+, released in August 2020.
The Placeholder, Lynda’s debut novel, was released in November 2022.
With my former writing buddy, Tucker “Bug.” RIP.
Works on the “drawing board”
Lynda has completed the manuscript of a middle-grade historical fiction novel inspired by stories from her in-laws who were children in the Netherlands during WW2. Querying for an agent and publication are next. Fingers crossed.
There are several ideas that Lynda has mulling around in her pea-brain, and one has made it to a half-hearted attempt at a storyboard, but so far, inspiration has not struck to start a new project.
Lastly, and still, Lynda still has a draft of an all-too “Lifetime-ish” serial killer manuscript collecting dust. (At one point is moved off the floor and onto her desk, but it has since been placed in a folder and shelved.) This one has become my albatross.