Voices of Cancer
What We Really Want, What We Really Need
Insights for Patients and the People Supporting Them
This book is a culmination of different perspectives, personalities and insights from those whose cancer journeys are both similar and completely different than mine. I have talked with those who were diagnosed as stage 1 through stage 4. I have spent time with people in the healthcare field, questioning their perception of cancer and its ripple effect, and I have tried to cover some of the most difficult subjects including, “What to say to someone with cancer,” and “How to actually help a cancer patient,” as well as, “Stop being so positive, we know how sick we are” and “Letting go when it is time.”
This collection of Voices have been interwoven with how to help the cancer patient, what to say to them (and what not to say) as well as what they think, feel and never say. There are tips and suggestions as well as resources for both patients and non-patients to help open up positive dialogue and find needed support.
Purchase a copy of Voices of Cancer today.
Original paintings of cancer patients - by Chris Taylor
If you’ve ever been paralyzed by “I don’t know what to say,” to someone with a life-threatening condition, Voices of Cancer can help. If you want to help someone with cancer but didn’t know what to do—Voices of Cancer can help.
2021 - Translated into traditional Chinese and available in Taiwan and parts of China. Publisher: Commonwealth Publishing Co., Ltd., a Division of Global Views - Commonwealth Publishing Group, Taipei, Taiwan. Translation by: Aemilia Ying-chi Li
(A friend of a patient): “I offered to help but never followed up; I am still haunted by my lack of involvement. Wish I had it [this book] at the beginning.”
(A cancer patient): “Girl you nailed it, I feel like I wrote it. Very, very good read, I can’t put it down.”
(A cancer patient): “You should be very proud of yourself for making this happen. I've been reading the book and there are so many things I want to highlight. This is one of the best books about cancer I have ever read!”
(A caregiver): “This is absolute MUST READ for anyone dealing with cancer as a patient, family member or friend! I got mine yesterday and couldn’t put it down until I finished.”
My husband, me and my son, Adam. A rare day outside of treatment.
Life has slowed down and sped up at the same time, as I found a way to deal with my diagnosis and treatment. I have met so many people on my cancer journey and it wasn’t until I started sharing my own experiences online that I realized how misunderstood cancer patients can be—and how hard it is for those close to the one with the diagnosis to know how to help them and how to talk to them. And I found many of my thoughts and fears and problems were shared by others with cancer—so much so that I realized many people have what could be called a cancer shift in their perspectives.
Gotta have some fun while getting chemo!
Cancer changes your perspective
Voices of Cancer is for all those living with cancer, whether you have the diagnosis or your loved one does. Cancer changes your perspectives on everything—especially for the one diagnosed—and your life won’t be the same. Some changes are hard to accept, some changes are good, and some are beautiful.