The Old Girls' Network, Judy Leigh

The Old Girls' Network is a slow-paced, simple read about elderly sisters Pauline and Barbara - both in their late 70's. Cambridge dweller and former fastidious secretary in the Royal Air Force maiden Barbara has had an event which lands her in hospital and becomes the bitter houseguest of care-free, happy-go-lucky widow Pauline, at her dilapidated country cottage. That alone is a recipe for snark, nitpicking, and eye-rolling. Then, throw in the drunkard Bisto from Ireland who seems to be a vagrant which an outrageous drinking problem, and the three wind up in all sorts of calamity.

The book is centered in Windsley Green, which, in the book at least, is a fun-loving, got-your-back, charming village where everyone knows everything about everyone. Barbara must learn to thaw her frozen heart and soften her sharp tongue as Pauline must figure out how to catch the attention of a widower up the lane. Bisto is just doing what Bisto does: everything. He seems to be a jack of all trades and gifted and talented to solve any problem, including childbirth and saving the next-door girl from a wild party gone out of control.

A fun, but again, not fast-paced (but with a host of nearly 80-year old characters, how fast would you expect the plot to move?), worth the read on a Saturday during a rain storm. I will enjoy reading more from Ms. Leigh.

Lynda Wolters