The Cactus, Sarah Haywood

Hmmm, I do my best to see the upside in a person’s writing. I know how much sweat it takes to create a publishable piece, but sometimes, as I weed through the mire, I find little but the spines of the cactus; which I feel I found here.

The book was well-written and styled but never grabbed me. The quirkiness felt too…forced? Too much? Not enough? Something. And, as I don’t want to slam another’s hard work, I need to say that I chose and read this book immediately after reading what I thought was the best-written quirky book of recent times; perhaps that is the reason The Cactus fell short for me - timing.

I would certainly not want to dissuade others, so I suggest you take this book on its merits, review other’s thoughts and consider the same when deciding whether or not to read it - mine is but one opinion.

Lynda Wolters