On Writing, Stephen King

This incredible book, written by the master himself, is worth its weight in gold. I’m not an SK fan of his horror books, but man, the guy is the pinnacle of writers; no one does it quite like him.

May I be frank? If you are an aspiring writer and you have not read this book at least once, you are missing the boat. SK gives heartfelt, poignant, and hard-hitting truisms about the craft of writing, what it takes, and its pitfalls. I listened to this on audio, and Mr. King narrates it, which is PHENOMENAL.

Can I just be bold - BUY THE BOOK. READ THE BOOK. And then READ IT AGAIN. I guarantee you will get something out of it every time.

This should be, and for all I know it is, required reading in the 101 curricula for every creative writing class at every university.

Lynda Wolters