The Storyteller, Jodi Picoult

My first Jodi Picoult book - what an amazing, visual storyteller; no pun intended. I read the book on a friend’s suggestion; I am glad I did. The Storyteller is an in-depth account of surviving, overcoming hate, and learning when forgiveness is yours to give. The story was intriguing and held my attention, but, and I know I’m in the minority here, there was sometimes so much detail I found my mind wandering - how is that a thing?! I wonder if my inattention was because the writing dredged up too much emotion in me...

This is not a negative to Ms. Picoult or her writing, I wish I could write this intensely, but a comment to my own ADD. Reader beware, this book will suck you in but if you need a super-fast pace, or if connecting to your feelings is uncomfortable, you may find yourself wishing for less detail.

I would highly recommend this book and will read another Jodi Picoult in the future - I will just be more prepared to have my feelers touched.