My bone marrow
My "almost-fever" stayed around for 36 hours. It was continually in the 99's and one time up to 100.1. I must go to the hospital with an elevated temperature of 100.5. Last night while I was sleeping, the almost-fever must have broke because I woke up to a normal temperature.
Because of the huge onslaught of chemotherapy my blood is completely whacked out and I need my bone marrow to ramp up and start producing red blood cells and lymphocytes for my immune system. This was encouraged by a shot of Neupogen in my belly the day after I was released from the hospital. Belly shots are simply not fun.
The side effects of Neupogen can range from nothing to experiencing "extreme bone pain." I wish there was a more quantitative description of what "extreme" means. I am not a fan of the pain. These symptoms start around 7 days after the shot and last up to 7-14 days. The pain is generally in the lower back/hip and pelvic region, as well as the sternum (people feel like they are having a heart attack), long bones of the arms and legs and often times the top of the head which can result in a severe headache. I am allowed to take Tylenol or Norco.
As my almost-fever broke last night, my lower back started to hurt. It would appear that my almost-fever is going to be replaced with bone pain. It is different than the pain in my joints I experienced earlier in this journey. That was a truly inflammatory reaction that I could see as well as feel and it was totally isolated to my joints. This pain radiates from inside and it almost feels like something could break at any time. It is far from extreme, it is not excruciating like my joint pain. It is tolerable. I am not sure if it will advance on the pain scale or if this is as bad as it will get. At this point, however, I am okay with having it as I hope it means my bone marrow is functioning and creating new, good blood.
I am not a fan of narcotics and I have not taken them through this journey and I am hopeful to keep that up. I have started with a simple Tylenol. I have decided to walk more often, our normal walk is 1.5 miles and I want to accomplish that as close to daily as possible. I am hoping that by moving the pain will remain tolerable.
I am grateful that the almost-fever is currently gone; elevated temperatures are completely draining and bring so much anxiety as to, "Is there an infection?" As for the pain, I am grateful that I can move, grateful for my upcoming walk this morning, grateful that the pain is not worse. I have experienced worse recently, I have that benchmark.
Life is good. I love my life. I love the people in it. I appreciate your continued contact with me while I stay isolated and I appreciate any of you thinking of or actually donating blood and platelets, I need you. I will need you for the rest of my life.